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Safety Away from Home

If you are worried about your safety when you are out or someone knowing your daily routines, here are some things to think about.

If you feel at immediate risk or danger when you are out, you should call 999 if you can or make your way to a police station or public building.

  • Change the times of regular appointments or the way you travel to these appointments
  • Vary your walking routes and try sticking to busy, well-lit streets
  • If you travel by bus or train, where possible use a different stop
  • Avoid isolated places
  • Try to park in busy, well-lit streets or car parks and avoid parking anywhere too isolated.  If possible, park within range of any CCTV cameras.
  • Let a trusted person know where you are if out alone and arrange to check-in with them when you have arrived safely
  • If you have a mobile phone keep it charged and close at hand
  • Think about downloading a personal safety app to your phone e.g. Hollie Guard or Bright Sky that can alert someone if you need help
  • Carry a personal alarm, if you have one, and keep it close at hand.  Women's Aid can sometimes provide these free of charge
  • If shopping alone, check where the security and customer service desks are in the store, in case you need help
  • Look out for pubs, clubs and other premises that have the 'Ask for Angela' scheme, which have trained staff who can get you to safety
  • Have your keys ready for when you reach your front door and lock it immediately behind you

If you feel at immediate risk or danger, you should call 999.

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