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Useful Links

Scotland's Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage Helpline

Free 24-hour helpline for anyone experiencing domestic abuse or forced marriage.

Safer Scotland

Links and phone numbers for domestic abuse support services in Scotland

Rape Crisis

Provides advice and support for people that have experienced sexual violence

LGBT Youth Scotland

Advice and support for LGBTQI young people that have experienced domestic abuse

Breathing Space

A confidential phoneline for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16, feeling low, anxious or depressed.

Scottish Women's Rights Centre

Free legal information, advice, representation and advocacy support to self-identifying women in Scotland affected by violence and abuse.

Scottish Child Law Centre

Free legal advice on all aspects of Scots law relating to Children and Young people.

Criminal Injuries Compensation

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) is an organisation set up to compensate the victims of crimes of violence in the UK.  The time limit for making a criminal injury claim is two years from the incident.

Victim Information & Advice (VIA)

A free service run by Crown office and Procurator Fiscal (COPFS) to provide information to victims of crime.

Victim Impact Statements

Information and guidance if you have been asked to make a victim impact statement for court.

Victim Notification Scheme

If you have been the victim of a crime and your (ex) partner is in prison you can request information about their release date.

Turn to SARCS

The NHS Scotland sexual assault self-referral phone service can help to arrange care for you in the days following a rape or sexual assault.  The service may be able to arrange for you to have a forensic medical examination without making a report to the police.

Virtual Tours of Scottish Courts

Interactive tours of all the courthouses in Scotland, which lets you see what the courts look like and what you can expect when you attend. 

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