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Online Safety (including Social Media)

More and more, people are experiencing abuse online or through social media.  This section includes some tips that might help to keep you safer online.

Not all these suggestions might be relevant to your situation and before taking any of these safety steps, please consider if it could add to your risk.  If you have any concerns, speak to your ASSIST worker.

  • Update passwords and review location services for apps and websites that you use (also see Phone Safety).  Pay attention to apps or sites that have your payment details e.g. online banking, takeaways, TV streaming services, shopping sites, Uber etc
  • Change your email passwords
  • Delete your internet browsing history, if you don't want your (ex) partner, to see the sites you have been visiting
  • If you don't want any contact from your (ex) partner, consider blocking them from your messaging apps, if it feels safe to do this
  • Consider block or removing your (ex) partner from your social media accounts, if it feels safe to do this
  • Block or remove anyone from your social media that you don't want knowing your information
  • When using social media, avoid posting information, activities, locations or photos, if you don't want these known and ask friends not to tag you in their posts
  • Update your privacy settings, so that your social media accounts are private
  • Avoid 'tagging' or 'checking in' on public pages in real time, if you don't want your location known
  • Don't accept friend requests unless you know the person and it is coming from their profile
  • If you receive a request from your (ex) partner, take a screenshot of it and consider blocking the account, if it feels safe to do this.  If there are bail conditions, or a non-harassment order, preventing contact, you should report this to the police
  • If you continue being harassed through social media, consider creating a new account or changing your profile name.  Try to use a new profile name and photo that doesn't easily identify you
  • Update your list of followers and consider removing any mutual friends/acquaintances/family members or anyone who may share information you don't want them to
  • If your child has access to social media and apps on their phone or tablet, consider these measures for them too: Childline Online and Mobile Safety

If you're unsure how to make any of these changes, ask a trusted friend or family member, speak to your worker or look at the guides below:

Online Safety Guides

**The helpline numbers on this website are for England

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